Archive | February, 2012

Burlington train derailment

27 Feb

For those who may be unaware there was a major train derailment in Burlington this past Sunday, February 26. Three people died and approximately 45 were injured.  Thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this incident.

The Red Cross responded with 10 people to the site and had 6 on standby near by. HRECT was not activated. The Red Cross did however put the ARES teams on standby. As a result of this the Burlington and Oakville ARES groups were ready should their assistance have been required. ARES Emergency Coordinators and Assistant Emergency Coordinators met on the Oakville 2 meter repeater and shared information until the stand down.

The system worked.

From reports in various newspapers it appears as if Halton Police, Burlington Fire Department, the provincial ambulance service, and the air ambulance service received kudos for their response to this incident. I’m sure it’s praise well deserved.

Putting “Burlington train derailment” into Google image search will provide a number of pictures of the crash site.